woohoo! i'm all alone in singapore....
Sunday, October 27, 2002
About Me
- Name: Ivan
- Location: Singapore
airhead bitchy cranky despotic evil fickle groggy helpful? ivan joker killjoy livinthelife! mad nonhomophobic ohmanits7ami'mtypingthis patient quirky reallyborednow slutty teo underpaidornotatall virginYAHRITE! wimp x-rated yellowskinned zzzzzzzzzzzz
Previous Posts
- wow. haven't touched this in a long time! i've sto...
- the theory of evolution. fact? or just a theory? m...
- BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... i'm sending u an s.. m... s.....
- opera? ie? got problems.....
- des sux. des suck suck suck suck suck! >(
- the time for integration has come.....
- time to do some forum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- miller rabin primality test!!! aaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggg...
- tomcat. meow meow meow. jdbc. *headache* not enoug...
- 3214 sux. bea weblogic sux! i seriously think havi...
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