Sunday, November 17, 2002
About Me
- Name: Ivan
- Location: Singapore
airhead bitchy cranky despotic evil fickle groggy helpful? ivan joker killjoy livinthelife! mad nonhomophobic ohmanits7ami'mtypingthis patient quirky reallyborednow slutty teo underpaidornotatall virginYAHRITE! wimp x-rated yellowskinned zzzzzzzzzzzz
Previous Posts
- things have come to a point where it's either make...
- we're talking. should i even be thinking about t...
- i went to her place last night and gave her food a...
- my freaking head is wheezin.
- this is really painful. someone else came over. ma...
- how many rivers do i have to cross before i am cle...
- revelations tonight.
- life sux
- alright. on another note. this is a long one. if y...
- what an impressive wedding! 101 tables! WOOOOOOOOO...
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