Friday, November 08, 2002

alright. on another note. this is a long one. if you've been following me so far, i guess this is the most
you're going to get to read on this blog. i'm opening up the little vault of my emotions to all of you.

we hung out yesterday and today. things seemed to be going well. hey, i was feeling really encouraged,
and i guess i came on a bit too strong, holding her hand and that...

i'm at the dinner, she sms-es me telling me she wants to stop everything. stop everything. (norah jones - don't know why playing now as i'm typing)
i tell her i'll aceed to her request. what posessed me to, i don't know.

i bid her farewell, good luck, those nice kind words i'd reserve for her.

i get another message. she's angry. she's hurt. she's disappointed. she's sad. she say's i'll never change. i abused our friendship.

she's didn't want to sms me. but she's just angry and wants to take it out on me.

guess how i feel? i feel condemned. i've been condemned. i hate myself.


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