Monday, July 23, 2007

decisions decisions

projects.. which should i opt for?

my preference is this one...
Quality-of-Service Requirements of Dynamic Information Systems (18 CP)
The Internet has become crucial to the working of the Australian economy and society. Nowadays, about 70% of the Australian population is using the Internet. Many of them are unaware that most of the time they access cached data with no guarantees on the data freshness or consistency. In this project, the student shall analyse the workload and the Quality-of-Service requirements of large dynamic web-sites in Australia. The aim is to get an understanding of the size, usage and the quality requirements of today's Internet usage. The focus is on dynamic web information systems, those where the information presented on a web page is personalized and retrieved from a database. The student shall conduct a survey of large Australian websites (top level domain '.au') from different vertical markets that typically serve a large number of concurrent users with dynamic content. We want to analyze them with regard to their underlying web- service infrastructure, their Quality-of-Service requirements, and their workloads such as number of concurrent requests and update frequency.

Skills needed: Information Systems, knowledge/experience with web databases of advantage
Suitable majors: Databases, Ecommerce

but the supervisor for that project is trying to recommend me to do
Performance Evaluation Framework (12/18 CP)
Performance evaluations are an important means to gain an understanding of the behaviour and the scalability of applications and algorithms, both in industry and research. This project shall develop a Java framework for performance evaluations of client-server applications that encapsulates all performance measurements and client simulation aspects, hence enabling developers to solely concentrate on the application-specific code. The framework shall be capable of precise response time measurements, scalability evaluations, and throughput measurements by using multi-threading and precise timing functions. The system shall be easily extensible with own benchmark functions and completely configurable via an XML configuration file, so that well-defined, reproducable evaluation runs can be easily set-up, run, and maintained. This project can build on our previous experience in this field. While the 12cp version of this project will concentrate on the software development of the framework, the 18cp version shall further evaluate the precision and overhead of the framework using the TPC-C benchmark (with a good chance for a research publication).
Outcome of the project: upon completion, the student will have gained practical experience in multi-threaded Java programming, XML parsing, and software development using the TRAC project management and the Subversion version control systems. In addition, the student will develop knowledge in large-scale performance evaluations, UML, and client-server programming. As this project involves intensive programming exercises, it is recommended that the applicant has sound Java programming experience.

Skills needed: Sound Java programming experience; experience with multi-threading and XML of advantage, but not necessary
Suitable majors: Software Engineering, Computer Science, Databases

how how how...


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