Wednesday, October 17, 2007

the inevitable

so it's come down to this.

the last 18 days before i submit my thesis toward partial fulfillment for a Masters in Information Technology degree.

there's 8 of us taking the 18 credit project, and i'd like to thank each and every one of them for being there, making me work hard beyond what i'd do by myself

special thanks go out to robert, whom i only found out today, after 2 semesters of hanging out, that shares the same birthday as me. 3 years apart, may, for just being you. vincent for the break times, winly for the laughter.

a final quiz for info4990 on monday, a presentation on tuesday to my examiners, and i'll have slightly over a week to tweak my thesis and submit it.

i must say i've been able to rise to the occasion several times this academic year, impromptu presentations, throwing smoke bombs, and today, a 15 minute presentation to the other people in my lab.

what's next? going home on the 20th of november, in the airbus 380 no less, and beginning my job search. i've been rejected by stanchart and credit suisse so far. i wonder how many more will come. hopefully less. especially after help from my cv guru sweets jas. :)

dingyue is arriving in 2 days time, and we'll be spending a month together before returning, thanks to my mom for paying up front for the air tickets.

that's all for now.


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