Thursday, September 14, 2006

Was reading some of my friends' blogs and one particular one struck me.

She was ranting about the amount of noise pollution we're taking in these days. What I theorize is, that beneath all these transmissions we're being invaded with, radio, advertisements, tv media, are underlying subliminal messages that make us as sheepified and lamblike as possible. To make us all conform and follow the leader, all have a herd mentality, not question authority and basically be good citizens.

Maybe that's why we were told to avoid the Marina area due to road closures, bus fares can be raised at a whim, cat abusers are let off lightly...

Another boo boo for the boys in blue, who have now stepped in to explain that the Marina Bay area is still open, via certain roads, please forget that we told everyone to stay away, and come so the shopkeepers there won't give our boys on the ground killer stares of why are you here, taking away my business


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