Thursday, June 09, 2005

the recent media focus on blogging has carried with it some repercussions for blogging as a whole. some people now try too hard writing provocative blogs; some lace their entries with vulgarities, to give it some sort of cool aura, "hey look, i know how to cuss, i'm with the cool cussing crowd", perhaps for a wish to be noticed by some others in the community, wanting some instant fame.

"some stars spend all their lives trying to get famous, then spend all their lives hiding when they become famous." fame is, like a drug i suppose. very often, most people are unable to handle the effects of fame. young impressionable kids don't need role models that cuss. they need role models who write intelligently, who have an opinion, are not afraid to say it, but are not hardline or facist. and by opinion i don't mean putting down others anonymously and cussing.

it's never been my aim to write a blog for someone else, but however impersonal it may seem, it does offer a glimpse into how i lead my life, how my life has changed from moons ago till now, and it offers me an outlet if i need it. but this glimpse isn't as accurate as they may like it. blogs are afterall, personal, and how i want others to see me, i write it.

is it due to some people's insecurity that they are unable to see others for what they're worth, and put them down to make themselves feel better? or is it due to inadequacy and jealousy that they feel a need to put others down so they may feel better about themselves, knowing that people who seemingly have a better life aren't as perfect as they make themselves out to be. more often than not, people, rich or poor, have skeletons in their closets. the rich and famous are worse, being under media scrutiny, have to endlessly maintain a certain composure and appearance or stand trail in the columns of gossip tabliods.

is accepting less than your dreams settling for less? is it a compromise that musn't ever be allowed? in this day and age, do we have to hold fast to unrealistic high brow ideals, or is it the practical choice to just accept what life has thrown, and make the best of it? does settling then making the most out of it make a person less of a fighter, less driven, less successful?


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