Saturday, March 26, 2005

Scorpio Horoscope for week of March 24, 2005

"The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do," said English journalist Walter Bagehot. I don't agree with that in general, but it could temporarily be true for you, Scorpio. There may be no other activity that will generate as much satisfaction as refuting the low expectations others have had of you. Even classic thrills like sex, drugs, and rock and roll may not generate feelings equal to the bliss you'll enjoy when you accomplish what some supposedly knowledgeable person said was impossible.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Scorpio Horoscope for week of March 17, 2005
It's a good time for you to think about your relationship to human beings who haven't been born yet. Is there anything you can do to be more conscious about making your life a gift to the future? What might you create that would enhance the destinies of our descendants? How can you conduct yourself so that you will not only help preserve the wonders we live amidst, but actually enhance them? As you ponder your possible contributions--and maybe also take practical action to deepen your commitment to them--keep in mind this thought from Lewis Carroll: "It's a poor sort of memory that only works backward."
what kind of change do i need?

"Many of us don't change until we're in crisis mode," notes psychologist Robert Maurer, "until our mate leaves us or we lose our job. Once that moment comes we look for a big leap to get out of pain." Unfortunately, big leaps under pressure usually don't work. If you really want to change, you have to accomplish it little by little, and it's best to begin long before you're feeling miserable, scared, or backed into a corner. I mention this, Scorpio, because it's a perfect time to launch a step-by-step course correction that will ensure you won't get pinched by a predicament in April. Start modifying your behavior and adjusting your attitude while you're at the top of your game.

Monday, March 14, 2005

i was just mentioning to auntie that i found no purpose in updating my blogs because i just didn't have anything interesting to talk about...

past weeks, work has become rather routine, reporting for work, attending lessons, going for breaks, preparing for exams, taking exams, getting the results back, going home, starting the routine all over again..

well, besides these, i actually got to watch some movies too, caught howl's moving castle, followed by hitch, and then team america, world police...

on saturday, i went to plaza sing to do a slalom demo with wl and lw for nyc's youth sports festival or something along that line, we initially wanted to do the demo on the ground behind their tentage, but were "forced" to do it on lousy carpeted ground, which wasn't very easy, given the high resistance in motion, went to ecp after that, and left shortly after to go back to nus guild house to check out enigma, the masquerade ball organized by compclub.. which was quite successful and interesting... got a few unnecessarily nasty sms-es during the event, and was and still quite unhappy about them, but shan't elaborate. after the event, adjourned to hv with cheen, cheechiu and isaac, enjoyed a nice 0.5L erdinger dark lager, followed by some roasted duck noodle at ms... then i dropped the 3 back in sch and i went home.. but, things didn't turn out that well, and i ended up with diarrhoea on sunday...

couldn't make it to wws boat patrol, and also had to call in sick for the demo at ps.. ended up sleeping the day away, waking up only to do my notes for the AGA exam, sleeping, and waking up to study bits...

hell week at work this week, AGA exam on monday, ATCII exam(killer) on wed, and altimetry on friday... when this week is over, i can take a breather for awhile...

Monday, March 07, 2005

put the F back in FREEDOM!
from the movie team america!

the quote that cracked me up so hard

"See, there's three kinds of people: dicks, pussies, and assholes. Pussies think everyone can get along, and dicks just want to fuck all the time without thinking it through. But then you got your assholes. And all the assholes want us to shit all over everything! So, pussies may get mad at dicks once in a while because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes. And if they didn't fuck the assholes, you know what you'd get? You'd get your dick and your pussy all covered in shit! "

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Scorpio Horoscope for week of March 3, 2005

In the coming days, Scorpio, you will almost certainly become pregnant--if not by literally conceiving a fetus, then by germinating the metaphorical equivalent. Do you have any idea about what's getting ready to sprout within you? I hope so, because if you do, it means you're attuned to the secrets that have been ripening in the fertile depths. But if you don't know anything about the new life that's stirring, drop everything and find out. You need to be a fully conscious participant in the gestation.