Tuesday, June 28, 2005

so this chemistry thing people are looking for, what's it exactly? a biological reaction? some stirring in the stomach that makes you feel like running to the toilet? was under the impression that's a stomachache.. or like, the feeling to go take a dump..

or is it the kind that makes you all squirmy, unable to speak, or when you do, nothing comes out right..

or would it be just the feeling of quiet and calm comfort, being able to be completely at ease?

this chemistry thing, baffling, and it's not fair, i failed chem at o'levels.. it's not like i'm going to be able to understand it easily... that about ions, bonds, ...

anyways how many of you have pet names for your partners/spouses? dave my colleague was saying how he'd refuse to call his gf a pet name that she asked him to call, and that the best was just to refer to her as dear..
stupid qn of the day

hey, batman is a hero, so is batgirl, is catwoman a hero or villian?

Monday, June 27, 2005

a lot of friends who've been overseas are back, and on their way back, welcome back andiea, tongkat eli, princess stephanie, and of course, i'm eagerly awaiting the return of thim, my dearest mei jiahui.

recently my conversations with my female friends, the close ones, have revolved around bgr matters, and how i'm feeling this 1/3 life crisis, where i worry about not being able to find a soulmate to walk my next 2/3s with... it's not that i'm being picky, but i've not come across the one, she who makes me tremble, lose my nerve, gets me all jittery and excited like a little kid waiting for christmas morning and presents, makes my heart skip a beat, you get the drift... then as i spoke to andiea, she was telling me her problems, how coming back isn't any better for her, given that she has a set of problems, guys, that she left behind in singapore, and it's all catching up with her, and then she asked me how come i'm still holding out and being picky, when it seems i have a whole bunch of very eligible female friends.. telling her how it is, she then said, it's like you and me...

then i came to the realisation, that well, it's possible to have very platonic and deep relaitonships with someone of the opposite sex.. and it's come to a stage where i'm someone nice to talk to, someone nice to hang out with once in awhile.. i have too many female friends who are simply, friends! not that i'm complaining, it's great to have them... but i'm in a crisis.. and it's not helping i can FEEL myself getting older..

the trip to genting heightened my awareness of the situation, how bad it is.. travelling alone isn't bad, it's quite liberating and fun, but i think i've had enough of it, i don't want to walk the path alone anymore..

Tuesday, June 14, 2005



my six current favourite songs.

1. wen rou by mayday
2. open your eyes by alter bridge
3. tuo diao by alex to
4. ye zi by a sang
5. if you leave by nada surf
6. mr brightside by the killers

the next 6 people to be tagged.
1. yesiamtired (lj)
2. cutedwogy (lj)
3. cedist (lj)
4. whiteigloo (lj)
5. d0do (lj)
6. shu (xanga)

and books
1. total number of books owned
if ebooks count, too many to remember

2. last book i bought
rich dad poor dad

3. last book i read/am currently reading
just finished angels and demons, now onto digital fortress

4. five books that mean a lot to me
the 5 books written by douglas adams in the hitchhikers series..

Thursday, June 09, 2005

the news about a batch of patcos senior to me came today. 3 out of 7 made it through their aerodrome course. the 3 that made it would return to changi tower after a week's break, and they would be attached to a particular watch to receive ojt(on job training). during dinner, a comment was made, on how these ojt-ers were akin to recruits, and shouldn't be attached to a corporal, the corporal being someone still on his probation period. so i gave it a little thought, and how it really did seem to have certain parallels, the caas ATC service and the military.

patcos would be recruits/privates, single rated controllers the specialists, double rated controllers the officers, managers and above the senior comissioned officers.

let's talk about something else that i had the opportunity to talk about with my dear couz coral. we were having prata at j kayu and we traded gossip about our other cousins, and we touched on the topic on who'd be next to get married. i have two older female cousins, who are eligible, however according to coral, unable to find the right person. it seems that the ones they are attracted to are taken, and the rest, simply unable to connect with them.

having been brought up in a upper middle class family, these two cousins of mine have been exposed to more of the world, educated overseas, enjoyed the priviledges that the average kid in the average family wouldn't have. i commented they were more opinionated, and it would seem difficult for the average singaporean guy to be able to accept something like that.

would a difference in education, in family background, earning power prove to be fatal to two people who have a connection and chemistry? i am inclined to believe that two people, no matter how compatible in terms of their chemistry and connection, may face an uphill task of having to meet certain expectations by their peers and family; when their prospective partners come from a different background. true, a union is between two people, but no man is an island, and the couple have to live with each other, and have to be answerable to the people that have brought them up. seeds of doubt serve only to undermine the connection and chemistry these two people have. there are people who have overcome this, but not everyone would be able to. the patriarchal family is still very much the mainstay in an asian society, and it would be difficult for some to accept the wife as the breadwinner, be it the man, or the wife's family.

do we, the children/young adults of today lack the drive our parents and parents' parents had? i would think so. my parents generation grew up in poverty, in big families that lived under the same roof, and since young, younger than us understood the value and importance of having more disposal income. as they grew up and became parents themselves, parental instincts took over, and they provided for, not wanting their children to have to grow up facing the same difficulties they have. it's not that we aren't driven, we didn't have to be driven, and like the theory of natural selection, we lost the ability gradually, and it's also become increasingly difficult for us to support families, without sacrificing a lot of the creature comforts many of us have become accustomed to since young. we're not having children because we aren't romantic, nor is it because we don't like and don't want children, it just isn't the, prudent thing to be doing, not when we want to continue enjoying and living a kind of life we have become accustomed to.

i do want to reply to a previous comment to my earlier posting about how lj is for personal details, and blogging isn't. maybe this might draw the ire of hardcore LJers, but to me, xanga, blogspot, lj, blogdrive, tabulas, any web log provider, are providing the same service, anyone who isn't linguistically challenged, has satirical flaire can easily produce a noteworthy web log. i very often don't have opinions on issues, or rather, i'm just too lazy to note it down and continue an appraisal of the situation that confronts me.

i guess i've rambled on too much. it's up to you, the reader, to take up the gauntlet and express your opinions. far too long has laziness prevented me from truly saying what i feel. my opinion is mine. you're welcome to state yours. and if you want to flame me, i hope the flaming has made your day better, and i'd have achieved something, by helping you feel better. it doesn't mean i accept your p.o.v. or wouldn't hold a grudge against you in anyway. *smirk*
the recent media focus on blogging has carried with it some repercussions for blogging as a whole. some people now try too hard writing provocative blogs; some lace their entries with vulgarities, to give it some sort of cool aura, "hey look, i know how to cuss, i'm with the cool cussing crowd", perhaps for a wish to be noticed by some others in the community, wanting some instant fame.

"some stars spend all their lives trying to get famous, then spend all their lives hiding when they become famous." fame is, like a drug i suppose. very often, most people are unable to handle the effects of fame. young impressionable kids don't need role models that cuss. they need role models who write intelligently, who have an opinion, are not afraid to say it, but are not hardline or facist. and by opinion i don't mean putting down others anonymously and cussing.

it's never been my aim to write a blog for someone else, but however impersonal it may seem, it does offer a glimpse into how i lead my life, how my life has changed from moons ago till now, and it offers me an outlet if i need it. but this glimpse isn't as accurate as they may like it. blogs are afterall, personal, and how i want others to see me, i write it.

is it due to some people's insecurity that they are unable to see others for what they're worth, and put them down to make themselves feel better? or is it due to inadequacy and jealousy that they feel a need to put others down so they may feel better about themselves, knowing that people who seemingly have a better life aren't as perfect as they make themselves out to be. more often than not, people, rich or poor, have skeletons in their closets. the rich and famous are worse, being under media scrutiny, have to endlessly maintain a certain composure and appearance or stand trail in the columns of gossip tabliods.

is accepting less than your dreams settling for less? is it a compromise that musn't ever be allowed? in this day and age, do we have to hold fast to unrealistic high brow ideals, or is it the practical choice to just accept what life has thrown, and make the best of it? does settling then making the most out of it make a person less of a fighter, less driven, less successful?

Saturday, June 04, 2005

MOOtivation to skate!
So exciting!

Friday, June 03, 2005

blatantly ripped from http://pinkshoefetish.blogspot.com

Dating 101

Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. For decades Men have been trying to figure out the intricate, delicate and complex workings of the female mind but to abso -fucking-lutely no avail. Why do we females flock to the toilet in herds? Why do we keep asking you if we are fat? Why do we spend thousands of dollars on makeup, clothes and shoes and nag at you when you spend the same amount on your car, computer or toys? Why do chocolates, flowers and diamonds<---most important... make us happy?

We don't do this just to annoy u guys. We do actually have a very valid reason.. We just don't know what that reason is....

haha Ok... Lets take it down a notch. Let's stop figuring out what makes each other tick and start trying to make each other happy. Guys with girl problems.. yup you... I am going to try to help you make your girlfriend (or girl friend to be) happier.. Not because i think you are incapable but because i think that guys and girls have a totally different train of thought that unless u are a total SNAG... you probably have the same problem as the other 99.9% heterosexual males out there..

Tip Number 1 ( For males buayaing girls)

1. You just met this girl and you guys have a chat. You get her number and the next day you call her for a dinner/movie date.

Firstly, if u get the Pizza Hut delivery line or a taxi driver uncle picks up the phone.. you are basically screwed over. She has NO interest in you what so ever. She gave u a bogus number..

SO... let's say she actually DOES pick up the phone (Congratulations! You've at least passed the first and easiest stage..) and you ask her out but she says: " I am sorry, i am kinda busy maybe next time?" and you're like" WTF!?! yesterday she seemed interested! "

Well, don't give up. This could mean 2 things. One could be that she treats u as a friend or two she's playing hard to get ( because males always want what they cant get...)

Ask her out again and if this time she says: " sorry i cant make it on that day but what about next tuesday?" I say right on!! You're on the right track!

On the other hand, if she says:" Errr... no i not free sorry.." I say you back out gracefully before u lose anymore pride and stay friends... heh

Tip Number 2 ( For Guys in General)

What do u say when a girl asks you if she's fat? I have subdivded the answers into 3 catergories..

Catergory 1

If u are just a guy friend... I suggest you make a face that shows utter shock and disbelief (Please practice this at home... It will come in handy) and then answer : " WHAT?!?! YOU FAT?! No lah.. please lor.. you so slim.. please eat more!"

AND THATS IT!!! Don't go on anymore about how skinny we are or our next question would be " Am i too skinny?" When you reach that stage... i dont think anyone can help you...

Catergory 2

If you are a boyfriend and she asks you casually... I suggest you do the same as the catergory 1 guys. But do practice more on the face because as girlfriends, we can read you very well.

Catergory 3

However, if she is being serious like maybe she says:" Dear, i trust your judgement and i really dont wanna go out looking fat. If you cant tell me the truth then who can i trust!! Tell me do i look fat in this? "

When it comes to this point i suggest you tell her the truth. But be kind. Like instead of being so fucking insensitive and say" yeah you look fat" ...

You could try saying" i dont think you are fat but i think you should tone up more." That way she will think yeah.. i dont work out.. i got reason to be abit flabby... haha

Tip Number 4 ( For Guys with girl friends)

Have you ever seen your girlfriend sulking beside you and u have absolutely NO IDEA why?!?! Then you ask her:" Hey! whats wrong?" She answers curtly:" Nothing." Don't be a gondu and just say "ok" then go back to your own world of war craft and cars... THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG...

ok so some of u are more sensitive and are able to detect some kind of trouble brewing in that little mind of hers and u ask " I know there's something wrong.. tell me!"

She gives u the look and looks away.. She gets even MORE pissed because you dont even KNOW the problem! u think WTF HOW?!?! so u keep pestering her whats wrong and she gets more and more pissed

So what should you do from here? I think in the first place guys shouldnt pester girls about whats wrong.. That would only make things worse.

I suggest you sit her down somewhere (if you are in orchard road) and run around like mad to buy a flower/chocolate (doesnt have to be expensive.. I think at this point you would rather spend $5 and not go through all that shit) and present it to her saying:" I am a stupid idiot... i donno what i did wrong... please forgive me.."

If that doesnt work (wah that heartless bitch), i suggest you do something special for her... like cooking for her or giving her a back rub... Seriously, it doesnt have to be expensive...girls only care about the small stuff...

Tip Number 5 (for guys with girlfriends or girlfriends to be)

You are at a dinner and the food is good. You think about her and u call her and ask if she wants anything. She says no. Girls LOVE surprises. Even if she says no, ta bao something she likes for her and bring it to her house. She will be incredibly touched and

IF in the case she doesnt want it (but is still touched) YOU WILL HAVE EXTRA FOOD TO EAT! yay! win win situation... hahah... trust me.. it will win you alot of brownie points..

In conclusion, Girls are acutally very easy to please. (but i think guys easier haha). Girls when truly in love look for sweet little things u do for her like fetching her around, walking her to class, buying her favourite donut or just be there when you need her. ( i was just kidding about the diamonds)

Sigh... haha i know i have stereo typed like EVERYTHING in this entry... But i was trying to relieve my ennui caused by returning to Purdue after the fun 4 days at NY/ Penn... SIGH....

Warning: This entry is NOT an informative entry. Do not take seriously or dire consequences will occur...

haha... some "tips" for the clueless mcp i guess...